Please select your desired language below.
Crime In Progress
If the crime is currently in progress or involves other incident types please call the non-emergency line (541) 942-9145.
If this is an Emergency please call 911.
Please select a report type below.
Illegal Camping, Illegal Dumping and Trespassing
Report incidents of Illegal Camping, Dumping and Trespassing
Anonymous Tip Line
Anonymous Crime or Drug Tips
Any type of theft
Identity Theft
Unauthorized use of Debit/Credit Cards or Accounts, Personal/Business information used to fraudulently create accounts, Etc.
Scams - Criminal Deception intended to result in financial or personal gain
Forged Check(s)
Criminal Mischief / Vandalism
Damaged Property, Graffiti, Etc.

400 E Main St
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
Phone: (541) 942-9145

(c) Copyright 2023 - Cottage Grove Police Dept. - All Rights Reserved.